Partnership with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Barnes & Noble
Copywriter: Rebecca Spina
Print, Digital, OOH
Illiteracy creates a ripple effect in the water; it can lead to poverty, incarceration, incomplete education, and so on. In order to solve the problems in the water, we need to focus upstream.
Barnes & Noble is joining Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in the fight against illiteracy. For every book purchased in-store, online, and through the Nook app, Barnes & Noble will donate $1 and put three books in a child’s hands.

Mobile Libraries

While our business is based on words, we know that actions speak louder. Barnes & Noble is not just raising money to give children books, we're giving them those books too.
Our Mobile Libraries will distribute books to underserved schools, libraries, and communities across the United States.
Here’s a list of some of our stops:
New York
West Virginia
Reading aloud with others gives children the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and learn about language. However, a child growing up in a low-income family will experience an average of 25 hours of one-on-one reading time with a parent. Their middle-class counterparts will experience an average of 1,000 hours.
Barnes & Noble’s podcast “Story Time” is working to close that gap. Children can read their favorite stories along with our guest readers and can continue to gain these important skills whether their parents are at work or on the couch next to them.
New episodes of “Story Time” release every Wednesday and are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and on any Nook device.